Looking after our Landlords with Rent Guarantee Scheme

In the event that a tenant defaults, rent will continue to be paid under the Guarantee whilst the property is occupied and you, the Landlord, will not be out of pocket. In addition, Belvoir will handle the legal process with specialist solicitors to ensure that the tenant is removed from the property. There is no claim process involved and you will not be required to attend at court or instruct solicitors, this is all handled as part of the service.

Protecting Landlords from Costly and Lengthy Evictions

Without our Rent Guarantee, eviction of tenants for non-payment can be a very expensive and time-consuming process. With it taking typically 6-8 months to gain vacant possession, the cost to a Landlord can be astronomical.

Get in touch and sign up now for the Belvoir Rent Guarantee. At only £22.50 per month, we are recommending that all our Landlords take advantage of this comprehensive protection.

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