When did you last see inside your rental property?

Have you seen the inside or back garden of your rental property recently? Don’t fancy visiting your property or simply don’t have time?

Our Property Inspection Service could be for you…

We inspect 100s of properties here at Belvoir and have a dedicated full time member of staff that visits our large portfolio on a regular basis. We are therefore well placed to inspect your property for you too. Our Property Inspector will contact your tenant and arrange to visit the property. When we visit the property we will visually check the outside and inside of the property to ensure there is no unfair wear and tear or any damage. We will also check for any signs of any imminent maintenance that might be due or due shortly. Using a tablet, we can build a report that will include images (where required) which will then be sent to you via email, giving you peace of mind the property is being looked after.

All this for just £60 (£50+vat)

If you think this service would be useful to you, please contact the office on 01264 366611 or email us at info@belvoirandover.com

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