
Happy Tenants, Happy Landlord.

Finding great tenants for your property is a bonus, and as a landlord it is important that you keep them happy. Replacing tenants regularly can be costly: letting agent fees, void periods, inventories, check-in and check-outs and admin fees all add up if you have to replace tenants every year. Therefore it is well worth your time making that little extra effort to keep them satisfied.

With that in mind, here are our top tips to keeping happy tenants…


Get off on the right foot by outlining your expectations at the start of the tenancy. Inform them of any restrictions that they need to bear in mind or maintenance they’re expected to undertake, such as the garden. It may also be worth providing them with practical information on how the property works, boiler functions, gas and electric metres and bin days are to name a few.

Addressing questions and problems

Your tenants will reach out to you if problems occur or if they have any questions, therefore replying to their emails and calls efficiently is key. Ideally you want to be responding to them on the same day, a quick response letting them know you have received their message and will get back to them with an answer is perfect. That way they know you aren’t ignoring them and their issue is being addressed.

Housewarming gift

A thoughtful housewarming gift doesn’t need to be extravagant. A bottle of wine or simple home essentials such as bread and milk would be greatly appreciated after a tough day of moving. It might also be worth popping them on your Christmas card list, a festive gesture is always nice and shows your appreciation.

Take pride

If your property is furnished, take some pride in what you are purchasing and don’t just go for the cheapest option. It could be more economical in the long run to spend a little bit more to get something more sturdy or reliable. Your tenants are also more likely to notice your quality items and therefore will feel more inclined to take better care.

Respect your tenant’s privacy

Although it is your right to inspect the property, it would not be fair to drop in unannounced. Try to give at least 48 hours’ notice if you plan on visiting, and be considerate to make this dropping suitable for everyone i.e. Timings. It is recommended that landlords visit their properties once every six months to keep on top of any maintenance.

Stay up to date

As a landlord is it your responsibility to make sure your property and tenancy conform to any changes in legislation. Tenants are becoming increasingly more informed and will expect their landlords to be proactive and in the know as well.

Are you a tenant yourself? If you have any other suggestions on how to keep tenants happy then do in touch via our twitter page @BelvoirUK, we would love to hear your comments.

Image credits; image from Unsplash.


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