
Tips to Create a Cosy Home

There is no denying the indominable march of the seasons. As the weather deteriorates, we all dream of coming home after a hard day at work to a cosy and relaxing space, but this isn’t something that happens automatically. In this article we share some tips on creating a cosy home.

How to Make Your Home Cosier

Add Throws, Blankets and Cushions – There is nothing cosier than wrapping yourself up in a soft blanket and sitting back on comfortable cushions when you get home from a busy day. Adding a simple warm throw or a few cushions to a sofa can transform it into a cosy cocoon.

Pay Attention to Lighting

A lot of people underestimate the importance of lighting within the home, even though it does a fantastic job of creating a specific ambiance in any room. In order to create a cosy home, you should avoid bright “White” lights and fluorescent lighting as this can feel cold and uninviting. Instead, opt for floor and table lamps or ceiling lights with dimmers. Try to choose more yellow toned bulbs. If you are unsure what bulb would work best check out this handy guide from Which, the article explains the different light levels from the various bulbs.

Add Candles and Flowers

Creating a home that feels cosy isn’t just about the walls and furniture, accessories and decor are just as important. Fresh flowers are a great way to add some natural beauty to a room, whilst making it feel welcoming and homely. Candles also work well, as the glow they create is extremely enticing and the scent can change the entire feel of a room. Top tip: try placing a candle in front of a mirror for a special calming effect.

Stick to Warm Colours

Though you may be tempted to immediately choose your favourite colours for your home, don’t underestimate the impact colour can have on a space. When deciding on a theme or style, consider warm colours. By sticking to warm colours for curtains, sofas and walls you will find it easier to create a room that is cosy and inviting. Warm shades such as oranges, yellows and reds will make you feel much warmer than bright and light colours.

Warm inside and out

Do not underestimate the warming effect of your favourite hot beverage. Of course, the obvious choice at this time of year is a cup of hot chocolate, if that is not your cup of tea (pardon the pun) then consider Chai tea or a Latte. This article from Taste of Home has an amazing 40 homemade drinks chosen to make you feel warm and cosy!


If your home is cold and drafty then no number of soft furnishings and décor changes will make you feel cosy. Make sure your home is properly insulated, even small things like closing doors will create a warm haven. Of course, if you are lucky enough to have a fire place then lighting the fire really is top trumps in the cosy home stakes!

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to create a cosy home. By paying attention to colours, lighting, warmth and soft furnishings you can create your own cosy bolt hole.