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Void Period Management Basingstoke

Managing and Reducing Void Periods in Basingstoke

Owning a rental property isn’t just about what happens while tenants are in place; effectively managing periods when your property is unoccupied is equally important.

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Home Decluttering Basingstoke

Spring Cleaning Checklist to Clear the Clutter from Your Basingstoke Home

Don’t have time to be a domestic god or goddess and give your home a full spring clean? Well, why not do the next best thing and declutter a few key areas of your property. Scientific studies have shown that clutter can negatively impact mental health and productivity. So, by turfing out unwanted and unnecessary items, you’ll face spring with a greater sense of calm and focus.

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Combat Food Waste: Basingstoke’s Essential Tips

Remember, every small action counts towards a larger, collective impact – to quote that famous supermarket catchphrase, ‘Every little helps’.

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National Love Your Pet Day

National Love Your Pet Day: Celebrating Loyal and Loving Companion Animals in Basingstoke

Pets make loyal and loving companions, can alleviate anxiety and loneliness, reduce blood pressure and make us laugh. So, as it’s National Love Your Pet Day today (20 February), we’re marking the occasion with four uplifting pet stories.

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Man smiling and sharing food with a homeless man.

Making a Difference in Basingstoke with Simple Acts of Kindness

The idea of a day to perform random acts of kindness began in America in 1995. It’s spread globally and is a great opportunity to show how small, thoughtful actions can have a significant impact worldwide and closer to home in Basingstoke.

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Family standing and hugging in front of new house

Love at First Sight: Knowing Your Basingstoke Home’s Admirers This Valentine’s

Knowing what sort of property a buyer will fall head over heels for is a skill any good, experienced agent has honed from years of matchmaking.

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Volunteers are cooperating while sorting donation boxes.

Basingstoke Needs You – The Power of Volunteering Locally

Volunteering locally bridges gaps in society. It’s about more than just doing good; it’s a catalyst for community cohesion and bringing people together. It creates a sense of belonging, identity and collective responsibility.

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Interior view of a house with modern look.

Five Smart Gadgets to Improve Health in Your Basingstoke Home

These can all make our lives a little easier (apparently), but what are the best smart gadgets for helping to improve our health and wellbeing at home?

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Woman unpacking boxes in her new home.

Mum’s the Word – Moving Advice for Basingstoke Families

Here’s the penultimate part of our series of articles on a family’s views on selling up and moving home.

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Interior view of a house with modern look.

Simple Ways to Bring More Sunlight into Your Basingstoke Home

Maximising natural light can reduce dependence on artificial lighting, lower electricity bills and benefit the environment. It’s a simple yet effective way to reduce your carbon footprint.

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Graphic image of a human head and the brain inside - conception of home-buying psychology

Home-Buying Psychology: The Emotional Factors Shaping Basingstoke Property Choices

Buying a home is not just a financial transaction; it’s a deeply emotional journey influenced by many psychological factors.

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Hand holding a lantern and text

Making a Difference in Basingstoke: Tips for Energy Saving Week

Energy Saving Week highlights various government grants and financial assistance for those on a limited budget. These are designed to help households struggling with energy costs, ensuring that energy-saving measures are accessible to everyone.

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