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Labour’s Housing and Property Market Manifesto: What Basingstoke Homeowners & Landlords Should Know

Now we know Labour will be taking the reins of government and ushering in a new era of policies and promises.

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Basingstoke & UK Property Market Overview for Q2 2024

It's crucial to provide a comprehensive and realistic perspective on the local and national property markets.

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What the Election Result Means for the Property Market

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The Post General Election Basingstoke Property Market

Despite the speculations surrounding the UK General Election, its impact on the UK and Basingstoke property market has been negligible.

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Why Are So Many Basingstoke Homeowners Selling So Soon After Buying?

Over the past few years, notably during the pandemic, the real estate market in the UK has experienced considerable shifts.

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What Does the General Election Mean for Renters Reform?

With the general election coming on 4 July, let’s take a look at what this could mean for the reform of rental law going forward.

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Understanding the Property Market: £/sq.ft Trends in the UK, South East, and Basingstoke

The property market in the UK is a complex and multifaceted entity, characterised by a myriad of factors that influence property prices and values.

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Basingstoke Property Market Stability

Why Hasn’t the Basingstoke Property Market Crashed?

The UK property market has demonstrated remarkable resilience despite facing significant challenges over the past 18 months. Many analysts in the autumn of 2022 predicted a severe downturn in house prices, driven by economic uncertainty, a cost-of-living crisis, and rising mortgage rates.

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Basingstoke buy-to-let property market

Basingstoke Buy-to-Let Property Market: A Basingstoke Landlord’s Perspective on Recent Trends

Over the past few years, the UK rental market has experienced significant fluctuations, with rents increasing dramatically during the Covid-19 pandemic. Between 2020 and 2022, demand far exceeded supply, driving rents to unprecedented levels.

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Understanding Property Leases in Basingstoke

Understanding How Property Leases Work in Basingstoke

Understanding the various property tenures in Basingstoke is helpful for homebuyers in making informed decisions.

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Basingstoke Landscape

Making Sense of the Basingstoke Property Market's £371 per Square Foot Value

Basingstoke, a vibrant town with a diverse property market, offers countless opportunities for homeowners seeking their next home. However, navigating this landscape requires a strategic approach to avoid common pitfalls. If you're a current Basingstoke homeowner weighing up your options for a potential move, this guide will shed light on some key factors to consider.

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basingstoke aerial shot

Is it a Basingstoke Buyers’ or Sellers’ Property Market?

As of April 2024, property sales and listings have increased significantly, indicating a robust market. Yet, what does this mean for you? Is Basingstoke a buyers’ market, favouring those looking to purchase, or a sellers’ market, giving an edge to those wishing to sell?

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