How can you encourage tenants to settle long-term in your rental? A report compiled by consumer psychologists claims to have the answers.
Read MoreIt’s easy to understand why joint tenancies are so popular with renters in the UK. Sharing a tenancy with a friend, partner or family member means you can split the bills and divide up the chores.
Read MoreHere is some advice for landlords in Basingstoke who are dealing with (and avoiding) burst pipes at a rental property.
Read MoreTenants can stand out in the competitive lettings market by being ‘rent ready’ before looking for a new place to live.
Read MoreChristmas is just a few weeks away, but while emergencies are rare at a rental property, they can crop up occasionally –even on Christmas Day.
Read MoreDespite greater awareness and tougher legislative measures, mould can still be a significant issue for landlords and tenants.
Read MoreThe Chancellor's decision to increase the additional Stamp Duty Land Tax for landlords purchasing additional properties initially suggested a grim outlook for the buy-to-let sector.
Read MoreIn this article, we’ll give you straight answers to three of the most common questions landlords are asking us regarding Renters' Rights Bill.
Read MoreCuckooing is a heartless crime that puts your tenant’s wellbeing at risk and leaves you, as the landlord, facing an array of legal issues.
Read MoreWelcoming a new tenant can be exciting for landlords, but it also requires careful preparation to ensure a smooth transition.
Read MoreWhile there’s a little less scope for creative presentation with rentals, we think basic styling principles can still apply.
Read MoreHere are ten things a letting agent does to provide outstanding service, that make a difference for both landlords and tenants.
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