Landlords need to know about an important government rule change that quietly came into force late last year.
Read MoreBuying a property that was previously a rental can be well worth considering. Here’s what you need to know.
Read MoreLandlords have been warned to keep a close eye out for any new regulations introduced by their local council.
Read MoreAs this month is Frugal February, now’s the time to take charge of your finances. Here are three tips to help you save and prosper.
Read MoreIf you’re a homeowner in Basingstoke thinking of selling your property, you have probably wondered how long it will take to find a buyer.
Read MoreCongratulations – you’ve had an offer on your future new home accepted. Here’s some important information about what happens next.
Read MoreHow can you encourage tenants to settle long-term in your rental? A report compiled by consumer psychologists claims to have the answers.
Read MoreIn 2024 the property market ended on a positive note. The Bank of England interest rate reductions in August and November helped invigorate the market.
Read MoreAccording to Zoopla, almost two-thirds of neurodiverse people give up on buying a home. Here are three tips to make the process easier and less stressful.
Read MoreWhen browsing property portals, many people wonder why some Basingstoke homes linger on the market far longer than others.
Read MoreCryptocurrencies have been around for years. However, with President Trump pledging to make the US the ‘crypto capital of the planet’, we could hear a lot more about it in 2025.
Read MoreSo let's deal with the question: Should you raise your rent in 2025? We believe all landlords should review the rent they charge every year
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