My favourite 'Bedford Buy to let Deal of the day' : How have Rents in Castle Road fared over the years ?

One of my landlords popped in to discuss their portfolio this weekend. And we got on to the subject of rent increases. As a matter of course we review rent annually, looking at the current market, and where appropriate we would suggest an increase.

Looking at a couple of examples, in the Castle Road area where we manage many 3 bedroom terraces varying in size.

In 2009 just after the crash in the housing market, rents plummeted and we were looking at £700/750 per calendar month for these types of property. At this time the market was saturated with “accidental landlords” forcing rents down

In comparison for the same properties now in 2013 we are looking at £775/850 per calendar month, looking at a percentage increase of between 10 and 13% showing that the rental market is well on road to recovery.

There are still bargains to be had, want to know more pop into our office in Tavistock Street where we are more than happy to discuss your buy to let options.

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