Landlords: How to Have & Maintain a Good Relationship With Your Tenants

When you’re a landlord, it’s important that you try and maintain a positive relationship with your tenants. In fact, it’s in the interest of both tenant and landlord to have a happy and harmonious relationship.

As a landlord, you just want your property to be looked after and for the rent to be paid on time. Your tenant will just want to be able to get on with their life without constant interference from you. Should be easy, right? Unfortunately, for whatever reason, relationships tend to break down and things start to get extremely awkward.

To avoid that happening with your tenants, we have put together a guide on how to successfully maintain a good relationship with the people living in your property!

Make Yourself Available

You don’t have to be available 24/7, but your tenants should have a number in which they can reach you when it’s needed. If you’re not returning their calls or texts, you can’t be made aware if anything is wrong – and they will be less likely to inform you in future.

Good communication is the best way to keep the relationship happy and healthy!  

Respect Their Privacy

Whilst your tenants will want to know that you are available when they need you, you shouldn’t be constantly trying to get in touch with them. They don’t want you harassing them through phone calls, and you should respect their right to get on with their own lives.

If you do need to visit the property, you should give them plenty of notice. Unless it’s needed, you should only be making these visits once a year.

Always Be Proactive

If something needs fixing in your house, it’s your responsibility to arrange to have it done as quickly as possible. As soon as you have been alerted to an issue, don’t wait weeks before you do anything. Your tenants will start to get angry, and this is how relationships will break down.

Is there seems to be an issue between you and your tenant, don’t let it just sit between you. Go seek them out and find out what the problem is!


If you follow our tips, then it should be easy to maintain a happy and friendly relationship with your tenant.

If you’re trying to find a property in Birmingham to rent or buy, and you’re finding it harder than expected, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Belvoir Birmingham is a professional and experienced letting service who is dedicated to helping you find your perfect property.

For more information on the service we provide, just give us a call on 0121 233 4712 and a member of our team will be happy to help.

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