Selling Your House in the Spring

With spring upon us, now is the perfect time to start thinking about selling your house. In fact, it’s a pretty popular time to put your house on the market – the largest number of buyers will be actively searching for their new property throughout April, May, and June. Therefore, finding ways of standing out from the crowd is crucial.

Fresh Eyes

So what can you do? Firstly, take a look at how your property looks through fresh eyes. If it is feeling tired and run down, people won’t see the potential it holds. Go through your garden – front and back – and get rid of any dead plants or weeds.

If you have space, add some new bulbs or inexpensive flowers that will add some colour and personality to your space. If you have a pressure washer, clean your patio and paths to give them a fresh feel. Anything that doesn’t make the space look tidy – such as children’s toys – should be popped into a storage container or shed while you’re selling your space. It’s also time to mow your lawns to give them a freshly cut look.

Room Refresh

Next, move indoors and give any rooms that need it a fresh lick of paint. If you have any brightly coloured walls, you may find it best to tone them down with white or magnolia paint. It can help to open up smaller rooms, make them feel more inviting and helps buyers see your house as more of a blank canvas. They will be able to picture themselves adding their own touch.

Spring Smells

Putting fresh flowers throughout your house will give it a homely touch and will also add a burst of colour. Yellow daffodils help to create happy, content feelings and remind everyone of new life and spring. They also bring a lovely fresh smell to the room. This can be complemented with subtle reed diffusers and room sprays, which will freshen any room and get rid of any tired lingering smells. It’s also a popular idea to bake fresh bread or cookies right before someone comes to look around – reminding them of home.

Clean Wash

If you have cushions, fabric sofas, rugs or curtains, it’s a good time to give anything you can a good wash. It will help to get rid of any dust, stains or bad smells and will give your space a cleaner feel. Now is also the time to go through your house with a fine-toothed comb, de-cluttering your space as best as possible and tidying up. Any limescale or mildew needs to be cleaned away, and don’t forget cobwebs on the ceiling.

Contact Us

To find out more about selling your house in spring, get in touch with Belvoir Birmingham today.

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