8 signs it's time to sell your home

Home is where the heart is. But is your heart in your home anymore?

Home is where the heart is. But is your heart in your home anymore? Many are unsure about whether or not to take the decisive plunge into the open market. But hesitation can hamper your chance of moving to your perfect abode. If you’re feeling any of the following, don’t wait around hoping for another opportunity to come around the corner.

1. You need more room

Lifestyle requirements are the most widely given reason for needing a property upgrade. Spreading your wings and upgrading your space is an understandable need for many. Children get bigger and need more rooms (and their own rooms). Your pile of possessions grows. It no longer seems reasonable to expect your guests to sleep on a sofa bed.

2. You need less room

Downsizing: after all those children have flown the coop, you’ve too much property to maintain. You have at least one too many bedrooms and your council tax swallows up too much of your monthly income. Why not cash in your larger property now there’s no need for all that space?

3. Your property has gone up in value

Rarely does property depreciate. If your property has increased in value you could sell and upgrade to something better. Alternatively you could release funds to use as disposable income or to contribute towards a retirement fund.

4. You’re bored with your home

We understand. No matter how many times you change the curtains or rearrange the furniture, it’s still the same place every day. Perhaps you’d like the challenge of a building project? Want to be able to hear the sea as you sip your coffee every morning? You’re in a terraced and yearning for a bit more privacy? Whatever the reason, you want your home to be more than a place to eat and sleep. So seek something that inspires you and get your property up for sale.

5. Low interest rates

UK interest rates are currently at a staggeringly low 0.5%. It’s the perfect time to speak to your bank about a mortgage and see what your budget can stretch to. You could be paying very little more money for a whole lot more home – and we can put you in touch with straight-talking independent mortgage advisers to help you get the best deal possible.

6. You want a garden

Your green-fingered aspirations are bound only by your current living situation. A garden is a small slice of exterior luxury – whether you want a sprawling lawn, a vegetable patch or simply a patio in which to unwind.

7. You don’t want to commute (anymore)

Commuting out of town takes time from your day and money from your pocket. As such, living near your workplace carries a lot of benefits. If you’ve scored a new job in a different area, selling up and moving on with your new profession is a great way to complete that life makeover you’ve been craving.

8. The maintenance is too much

Constant structural overhauls and persistent repairs are a challenge to some, but a chore to others. For older properties that need a lot of maintenance, ploughing in time, effort and money can sometimes be a little too much. If you’re getting to that stage and fancy something with less upkeep, browse the local new builds as your property gathers interest.

What next?

Selling your home and moving on is a fresh start. If you want help with getting on the market, a free evaluation and some expert advice, get in touch. We can help you make that move and get the most out of selling your current property.

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Georgina Gray 
Sales Manager
01223 352225

Georgina Gray is Belvoir Cambridge’s Sales Manager. With close to 10 years experience of working in the Cambridge property market, Georgina understands all of the unique advantages of this historic city and is passionate about helping vendors and buyers alike. If you’re thinking of selling your home here in Cambridge then give her a call for a free no-obligation valuation  

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