Branch Manager Stuart Bradley Researches Agent Fees in Cambridge

Stuart Bradley, Belvoir Cambridge’s Branch Manager set out to review the current Estate Agent fees in Cambridge and here’s what he found:

“I started looking into other Agents in the Cambridge market to see how our fees stack up in comparison and it amazed me how difficult it is to find this information, especially if you are a client looking to take up services.

On a few Agent websites, I could only access this information if I gave them my personal details which for some customers may be no problem at all if they wish to be contacted this way. However, for the most part, customers who are just in the research stage, looking to see what services they can get for their money, don’t want to spend time on the phone being sold a service just yet.

So, instead I tried some competitor websites to find their fees when I hit my second minefield – what exactly are you paying for? Some Agents start off with a great low fee but then you have to add in the extras to get a comprehensive service such as inventory, check-out fees, deposit registration, which all ends up costing you more. It begs the question, how is this helpful to potential Landlords? Those Landlords looking for a fully-managed package need an all inclusive service to cover anything unexpected such as court fees or additional property visits without the surprise of a sudden bill from their Agent.

What makes Belvoir Cambridge different?

We have and will always be transparent with our prices. Our fees are all laid out plainly on our website under ‘Landlord Fees’ so you can easily see what we cover and for what cost. We value the fact that Landlords get to choose who they want to work with and they shouldn’t feel strong-armed or misled in their decision. Belvoir Cambridge continues to offer an extraordinary service to our clients as we manage over £350,000,000 of local property and we take pride in the fact our work speaks for itself.”

If you are thinking of becoming a Landlord, are a Landlord currently looking for an Agent or to switch Agents, all the information you need on our services and fees can be found here.

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