Burst Pipes and Overflowing Tanks; Landlords Insurance Is Vital

Burst pipes and over flowing water tanks is a popular subject for obvious reasons. Many of us are having to make claims against our insurance for flood damage thanks to another icy winter. On the 22nd December alone we received 7 reports of burst pipes and over flowing water tanks.

We are seeing many landlords who have purchased cheap insurance believing it has saved them money until that is they make a claim. In Peterborough alone we have 6 clients with properties that have experienced serious damage owing to burst pipes and over flowing loft water tanks. The damage to one of these properties exceeds £30,000. The claims they submitted to their low cost insurers have been declined for a number of reasons. Not only have they got to find thousands of pounds out of there own pocket to repair their property some are having to provide temporary accommodation to their tenants.

Our household insurance is designed to protect landlords and is an All Risks policy. Belvoir set the cover provided with our underwriters and review it annually to ensure it gives our clients the best protection possible. We manage claims for our clients directly with the loss assessors and effect repairs quickly to prevent tenant and landlord frustration.

Our premiums have not changed for 10 years.

If you don’t already insure your rental property(s) through Belvoir can I ask that you give serious thought to reviewing your position.

To arrange a review and understand how our Belvoir Landlord Household Insurance will protect you please email terry.lucking@belvoirlettings.com  Your investment is at risk if it is not correctly insured. 

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