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Statement from Belvoir Cambridge about Fees Charged to Tenants

Belvoir Lettings Cambridge is happy to disclose all fees including those charged prior to a tenancy and those charged during a tenancy. We do not levy any undisclosed fees and fully support the initiative to make fees charged completely transparent.

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How To Avoid A Rogue Letting Agent? Belvoir Cambridge Advice

Selecting an agent with low management fees and saving a few pounds every week may land up costing you far more in the long run. If the agent isn't qualified then how can you expect them to advise you in relation to the myriad of legal obligations.

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Factors to Consider When Searching for a Buy to Let Mortgage

Terry Lucking owner of one of Cambridgeshire's most successful letting agencies and buy to let advice centres predominately covering Peterborough and Cambridge looks at what you should do when searching for a new buy to let mortgage.

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Free Autoenrolement Seminar Cambridge 3st Jan 2013

Invitation for directors of SME's to a lunchtime mini seminar on Auto Enrolment and the compliance requirements.

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How to Maximise and Retain the Rental Income of Residential Properties

Terry Lucking owner of one of Cambridgeshire's most successful letting agencies and buy to let advice centres predominately covering Peterborough and Cambridge looks at what you can do to maximise and retain your properties rental income.

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What Makes For A Good Investment Property In Cambridge?

Terry Lucking owner of one of Cambridgeshire's most successful letting agencies and buy to let advice centres looks what to think about and the different stages to go through when selecting an investment property.

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What Is "Buy To Let Investment Yield" And How Should I Measure It?

Terry Lucking, owner of one of Cambridgeshire's most successful letting agencies and buy to let advice centres looks at the meanings of property investment Yield.

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What Are The Risks Renting and Lettings Rooms In Cambridge?

Demand for room letting is growing in many parts of the country. There are various factors causing this growth which are discussed in this article. The risks in room letting and their management are also discussed

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Free Getting Started in Buy to Let Cambridge Workshop.

Looking for capital growth and annual income from capital invested? Whether you are a homeowner ...

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Buying To Let And Letting To Benefit Claimers

Most letting agents and many private landlords refuse to let to people claiming benefits. Yet they may well be letting to tenants claiming benefits without ever knowing anything about it.

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New City Offices In Cambridge For Belvoir Lettings Agency

The award winning letting agency Belvoir Lettings has moved its Cambridge office to 1 Dover Street, Cambridge. Terry Lucking MD of the business says "this move to a central location with parking will allow current and future tenants to have far easie

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Below Market Value (BMV) Property Deals In Cambridge

Below Market Value (BMV) deals are much hyped at the minute in the UK. This article explains the potential pitfals of accepting BMV deals and suggests the correct approach for researching property investments to ensure you make sound investments

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