Moving house in Cambridge: a four-week checklist

Moving house in Cambridge? It’s a busy city and there’s a lot to think about. Take things step by step with our handy four-week checklist.

So it’s really happening! Your sale has gone through and your new home awaits. It’s an exciting time, but there’s lots to squeeze in between now and then. Here’s a checklist to ensure you are ready to go come moving day. 

4 – 2 weeks to go…

  • Start packing – Sort through your belongings, ditch unwanted items and pack rarely used items. At this point it’s wise to become a hoarder of sturdy boxes, bubble wrap and parcel tape. You will thank yourself later.
  • Contact removal companies – Get estimates and check each company is insured against the damage or loss of your items in-transit. Try to avoid travelling on a Monday or Friday. They’re the busiest days for moving as well as traffic congestion.
  • Contents insurance – Check whether you are covered for the move and insured at your new address.
  • Utilities – Make arrangements with your gas, electricity and water suppliers for leaving your property. Arrange to take over utilities at your new address, making sure all necessary appliances will be plumbed in and ready to go.
  • Telecommunications – Call your telephone, TV and broadband suppliers to arrange for a final bill at your current address and a new contract at your next address.
  • Post – Think about redirecting your post for a couple of months to ensure you receive all correspondence. It’s easy to set up on the Royal Mail website, though be prepared for the £33.99 fee.
  • Arrange childcare and pet care – Do you really want little ones and furry things getting under your feet and hiding in boxes on moving day? Nope, thought not.
  • Notify all relevant companies of your new address – That means your employer, HMRC, local council, banks or building societies, insurance companies, utilities suppliers, mobile phone provider, broadband and TV supplier, doctor and dentist, DVLA, TV Licensing and – most importantly – the milkman.

1 week to go…

  • One more wash – Do as much last-minute laundry as you can muster and arrange for a plumber to come and correctly disconnect your washing machine.
  • Empty the kitchen cupboards – It’s time to eat the house empty and throw away anything that’s out of date. Ensure all jars and bottles are safely sealed for the move.
  • Clean the fridge/freezer – Gobble up the contents and then give them a good clean.
  • Valuables and important paperwork – Ensure you know where they are and are readily accessible.

2 days to go…

  • Pack, pack, pack – Pack a bag for overnight essentials and box up all remaining belongings for the big day.
  • Don’t forget the tea – Pack a snack box for the kitchen at your new home containing non-perishable items like tea, coffee and biscuits – as well as the kettle.
  • Dismantle and disconnect – Take down the curtains, unplug all remaining appliances and disconnect white goods ready for transport.
  • Garden furniture – Make sure it’s stacked and ready for transport.
  • Charge your mobile – Do this the night before moving day and ensure all relevant parties have your number. Make sure your charger is close to hand.
  • Write a note – Prepare a note for the new owner of your property explaining any useful information – such as the location of the fuse box and the number of a decent pizza delivery company.

Moving day…

  • At your old address – Strip beds and pack bedding, finish packing toiletries, turn off all electrical appliances at the wall, disconnect cooker, turn off boiler, turn off water, read the gas and electricity meters (take photos on your smartphone), secure all windows and lock all doors.
  • At your new address – Locate the fuse box and gas and electric meters, take meter readings, double check the removal van is completely unloaded, make the beds up for the evening, get a takeaway and relax. You have a big day of unpacking ahead tomorrow.

Want some more advice?

Feel free to get in touch with me directly using the details below – or give Belvoir Cambridge a call. We are experts in the Cambridge property market and specialise in making sure the process of selling your property is smooth and hassle-free. We can even recommend local conveyancers, removal experts and more. Give us a call.

Georgina Gray 
Sales Manager
01223 352225

Georgina Gray is Belvoir Cambridge’s Sales Manager. With close to 10 years experience of working in the Cambridge property market, Georgina understands all of the unique advantages of this historic city and is passionate about helping vendors and buyers alike. If you’re thinking of selling your home here in Cambridge then give her a call for a free no-obligation valuation  

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