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Cambridge Semi Detached House Prices rise by 438% in 21 years

The semi-detached house with its bay windows and net curtains has long been ridiculed as an emble...

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£19m paid in Stamp Duty by Cambridge Residents

"A pound saved is worth two pounds earned... after taxes" is what my Grandfather used to say. He ...

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Average Rent Paid by Tenants in Cambridge rise to £1,198 per month

Back in the Spring, there was a surge in Cambridge landlords buying buy to let property in Cambri...

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Cambridge Property Values Increase by 1.7%... Good or Bad News?

"How's the Cambridge housing market doing?" asked an upbeat Cambridge landlord last week. "Quite...

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Private Renting set to grow by 5,900 Cambridge households by 2025

I was having a most interesting chat the other day with a Cambridge landlord when we were looking...

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13.6% of Cambridge People live in Shared Households

I had an interesting chat the other day with a Cambridge landlord. He said he had been chatting w...

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House Prices in Cambridge rise by 18% in the last 18 months

Over the last month, the Cambridge property market has seen some interesting movement in house pr...

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Cambridge Property Market in 2017 and Beyond

As the trees turn from green to hues of red and brown, the Cambridge property market has a confid...

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What is really happening in the Cambridge Property Market?

Well its been a few months since Brexit and as we settle into the Autumn with Great British Bake ...

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The 12,817 Cambridge Savers batten down the hatches with low interest rates set to continue into the 2020's

You might ask, what has the plight of the Cambridge savers to do with the Cambridge Property Mark...

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What will the 0.25% Interest Rate do to the Cambridge Property Market?

I had an interesting chat with a Newnham landlord who owns a few properties in the city. He poppe...

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Only 18.7% of Cambridge Rented Property have Children living in them

A few weeks ago I was asked a fascinating question by a local Councilor who, after reading the Ca...

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