Articles & Property News in Cambridge

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New House Building in Cambridge increased by 84.4% in the last year

Let me speak frankly, even with Brexit and the fact immigration numbers will now be reduced in th...

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10,000 People Live In Every Square Mile Of Cambridge - Is Cambridge Over Crowded?

Cambridge is already in the clutches of a population crisis that has now started to affect the qu...

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78.11% of Cambridge Properties have 3 or more bedrooms - Problem or Opportunity?

The orthodox way of classifying property in the UK is to look at the number of bedrooms rather th...

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Post Brexit - Cambridge Property Prices set to drop £43,900 in the next 12 months?

Even the most sane person in Britain has to admit the Brexit vote will, in one shape or another, ...

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88.9% of Cambridge Homeowners are over 35 - The effect of their Brexit vote on the Cambridge Property Market

Well it's been almost 4 weeks since the Referendum vote and we have had a chance to reflect on th...

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73.8% of Cambridge Voters voted to stay in the EU - What now for the Home Owners and Landlords in Cambridge?

It's 5.50am as I start to type this article and David Dimbleby has just announced the UK will be ...

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79.9% of Cambridge Tenants are White Collar Middle Class

With Cambridge youngsters not able to buy their own property, my research would suggests the prog...

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Cambridge Landlords Must Unite to Fight Back Against Tax Hike

It's still possible to beat the tax changes Private landlords and organisations in Cambridge wor...

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Common Misconceptions About Selling Rental Property

Landlords tend to shy away from the idea of selling rental property with tenants in situ because ...

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Selling in Situ: A Positive Selling Solution For Every Party

Are you looking to exit from your Cambridge investment property but not sure what to do about you...

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Maximise Your Rental Property To Achieve Better Returns

According to a recent report of the local housing market, the average property price in Cambridge...

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Six Reasons Why 2015 Could be Great for Buy to Let

Why 2015 Could Be a Great Year for Buy-to-Let According to a recent survey by Platinum Property ...

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