Contact us today, instruct us before the 31st October 2024 and sell for only £3,999 including VAT.
Contact us today, instruct us before the 31st October 2024 and sell for only £3,999 including VAT.
Is your agent doing everything they can?
Do you know what they are doing?
Are they even speaking to you?
Here’s how can we help you –
“Sellers who switch agent after failing to find a buyer instead of reducing the price, are more likely to make a sale.
New research shows that property vendors who haven’t been able to sell after two months are better off trying a different agent.
The sellers who do change agent are 34% more likely to achieve a sale, instruction generation firm Spectre has found.
The data also shows sellers who switch estate agent achieve over 12% more on their sale, than those who just reduced the asking price.” The Negotiator 9th Jan 2023
There is no better time to call us – 01223 624640