Renting In 2021…

Belvoir’s Q3 rental index is an extremely useful free resource for landlords and tenants, who want to know more about the rental market in their area. With Covid-19 causing global mayhem in 2020, all eyes are now on 2021, and there is a great deal of speculation about the housing market and how the private rental market might be affected.

The Belvoir index, which has been prepared for us by TV property expert Kate Faulkner since 2007, examines advertised rents all over the country and analyses how the market is performing region by region. The latest Q3 index confirms that the market remains resilient, but there is strong evidence of significant diversity between regions, with high post lockdown tenant demand, property shortages and evidence of arrears in some areas.

Belvoir is once again calling for more Government support in the form of a tenant loan scheme to help people who might be vulnerable to rent arrears.

Check out the index to see what types of property are proving to be the best type of investment in your area. We have also included details of a cross section network survey to find out the views of Belvoir’s franchisees on many interesting facts, such as lengths of tenancies, how many landlords are selling or buying properties at the moment, and how they think rents are likely to perform in 2021.

To find out more about the Belvoir Q3 rental index, please click here

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