6 ways to make your new house a home!

It always takes a little bit of adjusting moving in to a new house, doesn’t it? That’s completely understandable but it doesn’t need to be the case. In fact, there’s lots of little things you can do to help you feel more at home in your new house – most of them won’t cost too much money either, so you won’t have to worry about any extra expense after the move!

A lick of paint

We don’t all have the same taste when it comes to decoration of our homes so you’d expect to have to do a little decoration of your new home to make it fit your style. If you’ve got some left over paint from your previous home, you could paint the key areas with that…hallways, kitchens and living rooms are all places you’ll see every day – sprucing it up and painting over any scuffs is a great way to help you settle in and feel at home…plus that fresh paint smell will make it feel like new!

Little things mean a lot

Family pictures and fresh flowers can help to add some personal touches to your home and brighten up a room full of boxes that are yet to be unpacked! Pop a vase of seasonal flowers on the mantelpiece and some family photos on the window ledge to help dress up the room a bit more!

Soft furnishings

Some nice soft furnishings will make your new home warmer – especially if it’s been sat empty for a while. Pop some nice coloured cushions on the sofa – that way adding your own personality to the room. Lay a nice deep rug down in the living room – it’s perfect for adding a nice cosy feeling to the room…especially if there’s exposed floorboards or a thinning carpet that is yet to be replaced.

The right light

Lighting plays a huge part in how we feel. Harsh white lights can wake us up and nice soft lighting can instil a calm atmosphere. Ensure you’ve got the lighting right in your new home. In the kitchen you’ll want some nice bright lighting so you can see all of your delicious creations clearly – however, in the lounge why not opt for something a little more subdued to make it the ultimate place to go and relax of an evening.

Hang some art

Big, empty walls can make a room look really cold – however they can also act as a blank canvas for you to add your personality to. You can get some nice colourful art relatively cheap from thrift stores and vintage shops, it’s a purchase that can really transform your home and help to fill up those wide empty spaces.  

Repurpose and Reuse!

Just because you’re in a new house, it doesn’t mean you need to throw your old furnishings away! Why not do a little DIY on some existing furniture to repurpose it, If you’ve got a shabby side table why not paint it with chalk paint to coordinate with the accent colour of the room, that way giving it an extra lease of life and saving yourself the fortune of having to buy something new!

So many small tricks can be done to help you make your new house feel like home. One of the best ways is to fill it with lots of fantastic memories and to fully immerse yourself in to family life in your new home!

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