In our new series of blogs, we are taking a look at the history of street names in Corby, giving insight into the area and how it’s developed.
Our second blog in the series takes a look at Shakespeare Way and the numerous street names in Corby dedicated to famous poets.
Building Corby as a community
The town of Corby is built on strong community values.
In the 1930s big change came to Corby, thanks to steel industry pioneers, Andrew Stewart and Samuel Lloyd who built what became the largest combined Steel Works in the whole of Europe, at a cost of £3.2 million.
Then, in 1949 and with a population of 18,000, the construction of the very first houses on Shakespeare Way began, using the British iron and steel method (BISF) – a prefabricated construction system. Part of a council development, work continued during 1950.
Streets dedicated to famous poets
When Corby was being developed, there was a movement towards naming streets in ways that incorporated cultural references and aspirations, helping the community foster a shared cultural identity.
Many familiar with the town, will know that there are a number of streets named after poets. This was a popular post-war trend in the UK and a way of celebrating all things British after our World War II victory.
Shakespeare Way in Corby takes its name from William Shakespeare. As one of the world’s most famous and celebrated poets, he was said to have written a total of 156 poems and 39 plays, with much of his work contributing heavily to both poetry and drama within English literature.
Some of his most celebrated works include the plays Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, Hamlet and Much Ado About Nothing.
But Shakespeare Way isn’t the only one named after a famous poet. You don’t have to wander far from Shakespeare Way to find Burns Drive (Robert Burns), Wordsworth Avenue (William Wordsworth), Coleridge Way (Samuel Taylor Coleridge), Keats Way (John Keats), Byron Road (George Gordon Byron), Kipling Road (Rudyard Kipling), Dryden Way (John Dryden), Tennyson Drive (Alfred, Lord Tennyson), Milton Road (John Milton), The Brontes (Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bronte), Browning Walk (Robert Browning), Chaucer Close (Geoffrey Chaucer), Clarke Road (Austin Clarke) and Goldsmith Drive (Oliver Goldsmith).
This area was affectionately referred to as Poets Corner and soon a new influx of homes was built to deal with the increased interest in the area.
Corby’s links to literature
Corby’s links to literature don’t end with the street names. Victorian novelist Charles Dickens worked as a reporter in the nearby town of Kettering and, according to the Northamptonshire Telegraph, became friendly with Richard and Lavinia Watson, owners of Rockingham Castle. He stayed at Rockingham Castle several times and performed plays there. It is also said that the Rockingham village was the inspiration behind his famous book, Bleak House.
Colin Dexter, author of the Inspector Morse books, also has links to Corby, having been a teacher at Corby Grammar School.
Property available in Corby
Check out our Properties For Rent and Properties For Sale pages to see any that are available in Shakespeare Way or the surrounding ‘Poets Corner’ streets. If you would like to find out more about the area, or have a property to sell or let, please contact us on 01536 261666.