First time rental? Belvoir Can Help!

Whether it’s your first time renting or if you have rented before, Belvoir feel its important to give tenants as much information as possible before they move in. Including key facts about the tenancy, the property and who to contact if there was to be a problem. A move in pack for them to take away with them can be uselful.

Before a tenant moves in it’s a good idea to sit down together and go through everything with them. This is a chance to answer any questions the tenant may have and also explain the ‘move in process.’

A ‘move in’ pack, will contains copies of all the relevant documents and is useful for the tenant to keep for reference, as it has a lot of information, that may be needed during the tenancy.

A move in pack will be provided on the day of move in-

This will include-

– Full Address of the property

– A copy of the tenancy agreement

– A copy of all the deposit protection information

– The inventory

– Utility supplier information

– Utility readings

– Details of vital contacts

– List of emergency phone numbers

Start how you mean to go on… with a good impression from the start!

Book Valuation