Get Seen For Boxing Day

All the presents have been opened, the leftover turkey will feed you for a week and you’re curled up on the sofa watching a classic Christmas movie.

Well, one eye is on the film and the other is dreaming of where you might call home next Christmas.

After the bustle of the festive frolics, scrolling the internet for your next adventure is a popular pastime for Boxing Day. Christmas gives plenty of time for reflection – and often time at home.

Which is why Boxing Day is one of the most popular days of the year for buyers to search for new properties.

Many house hunters use the extended time off work as an opportunity to check out the market for their next move. More than 50 million people visit Rightmove between 26th and 31st December.

Does your home still work for you? Or does the new year feature a moving lorry?

There’s still time to get seen for Boxing Day!

Is it the right time to move?

Absolutely. Any time is the right time to move house, depending on your circumstances. While there is lots of competition in the market in time for the Boxing Day sales, this also means that there is demand for your property, which could help you get the best possible price.

It also means that there will be an influx of properties hitting the market for you to choose from. Your dream home might be just a few weeks away!

Shout about your home’s best bits

If you do list your property, consider all its very best characteristics for your online description. Many people want to move after Christmas because they could’ve benefitted from a spare bedroom for visiting relatives or a playroom for all the new toys, or even a study to work in while the children are off school.

Tell prospective buyers why your home is the perfect fit for them.

Similarly, if you’re buying, look for those traits that will be a gamechanger for your family.

Act now!

If you’re considering moving house in 2024, put your property on the market now so that it can be viewed in the Boxing Day boom.

Anyone hoping to move imminently will also benefit from potential viewings before everyone returns to work and settle back into routine after Christmas.

If you can sell your house before January, you put yourself in a great position for purchasing in the new year.

Make sure you avoid getting any Christmas decorations in marketing pictures though!

If you would like to get your property seen for Boxing Day, call the Belvoir Corby team today on 01536 261666.

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