Don't miss out on May Madness!

With the ever-rising cost of living and the modern-day world demands on time, it is understandable to be daunted by the practicalities of moving house.

It is also little wonder that moving house is actually considered to be one of the most stressful challenges you will tackle in life.

There’s a lot to think about and deal with – both financially and emotionally – removal firms, energy performance certificates, surveys, preparing your home ready for potential buyers.

The list may feel endless but never fear! Belvoir is here to help because we’ve brought back our popular May Madness offer!

After the success of the campaign in 2021, we are again offering to sell your house for just £1,000+VAT during the month of May, up to a property value of £300,000 – which is less than half our usual standard fees.

Properties in the £300,000 – £500,000 price bracket would be £2,000+VAT and homes with a value of more than £500,000 is £3000+VAT.

So why have we reintroduced May Madness? Because we care.

We understand that property is personal and that our clients want a hassle-free seamless experience that allows them to concentrate on setting up their family in their dream home rather than worrying about cost and to do lists.

We will coordinate the entire process for you, including arranging viewings and showing people around your home, negotiating with prospective buyers and being there for you throughout your journey.

Vendors will have to use Belvoir recommended solicitors and be in a position to market the property straightaway, enabling our team to come into your home for photography and measurements as soon as possible.

The Mad Madness offer runs for a limited time only. Identification and contracts must be returned before 31st May for eligibility.

After that, leave it all to us!

You can always trust the Belvoir team to be honest, transparent and communicate effectively with you, as we take pride in our exceptional customer service, offering a first-class experience for a competitive price.

Our local knowledge of Corby and Kettering is second to none and you can rely on us to find you the best possible property at the best possible price to suit you and your family.

Add these fantastic team qualities to our amazing Madness offer and you’d be “mad” to miss such a brilliant opportunity!

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