Things To Consider When Moving House

Moving day has been decided and you’re currently surrounded by boxes – you’ll soon be in your dream home! But there’s a few things you need to consider when moving house, to ensure that you have a stress-free, no hassle experience and you can settle in quickly to your new abode.

Here’s Belvoir’s top 5 tips.

1. Notify your utility suppliers

Don’t forget to contact all your utility suppliers and notify them that you’re moving out. It might be that you’re taking your suppliers with you so they might need a few weeks notice to be able to move your service across seamlessly.

If you’re ceasing your contracts, be sure your payments are up to date and that you’re passing liability for future bills on to the next owner by taking a final meter reading and submitting it to your suppliers.

Ensure you download any important documents to a mobile device just in case you need to wait a little while for your internet to be connected at your new property and consider using your phone as a mobile hotspot to tide you over if you’re without WiFi for a while.

2. Line up your removal company

If you’re using a professional removal company, reconfirm your moving date and time with them so that you’re not waiting around on the day. Often the key handover is at a specific time so you want to be ready and raring to go as soon as you’re able.

Keep any essentials to hand for when you arrive at the new house – a kettle, cutlery and bedding are usually the key items so you’re able to eat, have a cuppa and sleep comfortably before the onslaught of unpacking begins.

3. Buy house insurance

Most mortgage companies require you to have buildings insurance on your new property as part of your mortgage contract. It is recommended to also consider contents insurance for your own peace of mind. Although right now your new home is everything you dreamed of, it is always wise to be covered for any unexpected eventualities.

4. Know your new home

Ask the sellers of your new property to point out all the important things inside before they leave – or ask them to put together a little welcome handbook so that you can find things like the water stopcock, fuse box and thermostat.

It’s vital to know where to go to fix an issue before it occurs – a water leak or a power cut is trickier to navigate if you can’t reach the source of the problem.

Also ask which day bins are collected and check you have keys for all windows and doors.

Do the same for the home you’re leaving. The new owners will be grateful for your help.

5. Share your new address

Let your friends and family know that you’re moving by sending out a change of address note. Also make sure you inform your place of work, bank, doctor’s surgery and dentist practice, and the DVLA.

Ask the post office to set up a post redirection service for the next few months – this is key to ensuring important mail doesn’t fall into the wrong hands and you don’t miss any fabulous invitations! Also be careful when online shopping to change your address so that new parcels don’t end up at your old address.

Finally, remember that all the upheaval and hard work will be worth it when you’re settled in your new home. Be prepared and avoid any unnecessary stress with our moving checklist. And if you have any questions about moving or need any help at all, call Belvoir today on 01536 261666.

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