Why You Should Move House In Autumn

As the market prepares for yet more change with the end of the furlough scheme and the Stamp Duty Holiday later this month, we are running a Step Forward In September campaign.

As a new normal prevails, there has been increased confidence in the market and people have been more willing to commit to new mortgages.

Commuters ventured to the country after having extended home or hybrid working and aspiring first-time buyers took advantage of the higher stamp duty threshold and 95% mortgages.

Whether you are venturing into the property market for the first time or looking to downsize now that your children have flown the nest, Autumn is the perfect time to move – and we can help you every step of the way.

Here’s 5 reasons why we think you should Step Forward In September:

1. More Affordable

The number of people moving during the autumn slows down after the summer peak. This means you can get some better deals from removal firms – and cost is key when you’re moving house. Also, consider moving midweek, which can be considerably cheaper than the weekend.

2. Availability Of Professionals

Removal companies tend to be fully booked during the spring and summer months so by moving in autumn, you’re likely to have a greater choice of moving firms. Not only that, but it will be their core, most experienced teams, handling your move. During peak or holiday season, removal firms may need to hire temporary staff to cover all their work, who may not be as well trained.

3. Children Are In School

If you’re a parent, you will know that some tasks are so much trickier with kids in tow. Moving house in autumn will mean the children are in school so you have the opportunity to focus solely on the task in hand while they’re gone. It also gives you peace of mind about safety while the removal team are moving large, heavy objects and plenty of time to secure furniture to walls before the children get home.

4. Mild weather

When you’re not battling against snow or scorching heat, the moving process is just a little easier. Although British weather is notoriously unpredictable, you will have daylight on your side if you move before the clocks go back in October, and you’re unlikely to face extreme weather. If you can move before the winter nights draw in, you’re likely to complete the majority before it gets dark.

Removal teams tend to be quicker in milder weather too as they’re not suffering sweltering temperatures that can cause fatigue, or bracingly cold conditions that can cause accidents, delays or discomfort.

Autumn is also a great gardening window. If you’d like to take garden plants with you to your new home, there’s often an opportunity to successfully move them immediately after the summer bloom.

5. Christmas Is Coming

If you move during autumn, you can celebrate popular holidays in your new house, quickly making it feel more homely. Halloween is a great excuse for decorating and getting to know your new neighbours with trick or treating fun.

Families wanting to start new traditions can do so immediately and an autumn relocation means you can be unpacked and totally settled in time for Christmas.

The beautiful colours of autumn means homes rarely look better for kerb appeal than when the leaves begin to change and fall. Stand out from the crowd, Step Forward In September and make your next move today!

If you would like to Step Forward In September contact us on 01536 261666 today.

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