World Mental Health Day: How to take the stress out of moving house

1.      Money, money, money

Moving house can be a costly business so make sure you are on top of your finances. Have you secured enough funds for things like stamp duty, solicitors’ fees and selling costs? If you fall for a property and then can’t secure the finances or afford the rent, it could leave you feeling very distressed. Make use of online mortgage calculators to give you an idea of a budget before you start your search. It is also a good idea to set aside money for unexpected surprises at your new property. If renting, look realistically at your incomings and outgoings each month and don’t overstretch yourself. A major area of stress for tenants is the possibility of going into rent arrears. This is when a tenant falls behind on their rent payments to their private landlord or letting agent. Although dealing with rent arrears can be daunting, you should take action as quickly as possible. If you ignore your arrears, the problem will only get worse. If you are a tenant of Belvoir Corby and are experiencing difficulties with your rent, get in touch with us on 01536 261666.

2.      Only use the best

Make sure you use the best estate agents and solicitors. You want to work with teams – like Belvoir Corby –  that are experienced, organised, easily contactable and knowledgeable and that can take as much stress away from you as possible during the process.

3.      Forewarned is forearmed

If you are purchasing a property, get a survey carried out – this doesn’t necessarily need to be a full structural survey. A comprehensive homebuyer’s report can give you peace of mind and make you aware of any defects with the property.

4.      Get organised

It’s never too early to start packing. Tackle the non-essentials first and label boxes clearly. This really will cut down on the stress levels as you get closer to moving day. Also think about the things you can do ahead of the move. For example, can you switch your broadband to your new address in advance? Can you register with the doctors in your new neighbourhood? Think about where you want your furniture and possessions to go in your new home to help you feel more in control on moving day.

5.      Clear your schedule

If possible, try to clear your schedule around the time of the move itself. If you can, take some time off work and arrange for someone to mind your children so you don’t spread yourself too thin.

6.      Be kind to yourself

Finally, remember moving is listed as a major cause of stress for a reason. It is normal to feel overwhelmed at times during the process – it is not a sign of weakness. Be kind to yourself and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Also remember why you are moving house in the first place. Most people move to improve their lifestyle. Maybe you’re moving to a nicer home, a better location or to be nearer family and friends. Moving can herald the start of a new chapter of your life. Try and see the positives!


With more than 60 years of local property experience and knowledge between them, our team knows that #propertyispersonal. For advice on buying or selling a property or finding a new home to rent, contact the team at Belvoir Corby on 01536 261666.

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