
Belvoir can provide a range of services depending on your requirements. These include practicalities such as: preparing the property prior to renting it out; marketing and advertising; performing safety and other property inspections; vetting tenants; drawing up the lease and inventory; managing the deposit; collecting rent and chasing unpaid rent; and organising repair and maintenance matters.

  • The stringent use of vetting and referencing procedures means you’re more likely to attract reliable tenants.
  • We can be a valuable source of advice and information.
  • We can deal with placing your tenants’ deposit in a secure deposit protection scheme.
  • We can handle all of the paperwork in relation to your property.
  • We can take care of the day -to-day issues that arise if you do not live near the rental property.
  • We are knowledgeable of market conditions and demand.
  • Expert in our field, Belvoir will probably be able to achieve a higher rent than you would.
  • Belvoir is aware of the relevant legislation affecting landlords.
  • We act as an objective and impartial buffer between you and your tenants.
  • We can reduce your workload (and possibly stress and anxiety).
  • Your tenants will be clear who to contact if necessary.
  • Belvoir may be able to offer legal service
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