Return of Tenancy Deposit

If both parties are in agreement as to the amount to be returned, this must be paid to the tenant within ten days of the tenancy ending. A landlord is entitled to set-off any financial losses incurred as a direct result of the tenant having damaged or removed the landlord’s property. This does not include damage caused simply by ‘fair wear and tear’ i.e. normal use by the tenant over a period of time, or redecoration costs where a complete redecoration obligation was not a term of the tenancy agreement. There are rules regarding which costs can be deducted and it is good practice for a landlord to always have an accurate inventory provided by Belvoir and schedule of condition with ‘before and after’ photographs as evidence of any damage claimed. If the parties cannot agree upon the amount to be returned, or the landlord/agent simply does not return the deposit at all, then each scheme has its own method of resolving the issue.

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