If you have a property within are the DE73, DE72, DE74, DE21 postcode areas that you are considering letting, please call to arrange a free appraisal. Belvoir Derby East will visit and conduct a comprehensive assessment of your property’s needs. We will discuss your desired tenant type, the style of marketing that best suits your property, the long-term aims you have for your property, and the ways in which we can optimise your rental income.
Considering letting your property? Potential benefits include:
- Excellent capital growth
- A regular monthly income
- Excellent contributions towards your pension planning
- Future financial stability for your family
Before you enter into any agreement, there are some important questions that you will need to think about:
- Will my current mortgage provider allow me to let my property?
- What are the facts and figures for tax on my rental income?
- How can I achieve the best returns on my property investment?
- What would happen if I suddenly needed the use of my property?
- What are the long-term goals surrounding my property investment?
These are all important issues, and being prepared to help you make the right decisions is one of the many ways that we set ourselves apart. If your needs require the assistance of wealth management experts, we are able to provide you access to some of the UK’s finest and most experienced experts in this field. We will work alongside you every step of the way to help you to plan for the future of your investments.