Belvoir Dunstable help local school purchase outdoor play equipment

Belvoir Dunstable have been sponsors of Watling Lower School in Dunstable for the past year supporting the PSA to raise money for play equipment for the children.

This has just been installed and one of the PSA parents emailed us to say “ I thought you might like to see some pictures of the play equipment that you helped us to fund.

Today was the first day the children got a chance to play on it and the feedback has been great. They are loving it !!

Thank you so much for all of your support last year which has been invaluable. We are a a fairly small school and a PSA of only two parents so we are really stretched at the best of times so your sponsorship was a fantastic help and allowed us to purchase this equipment a lot earlier than we would have been able to otherwise.

We really do appreciate all your help and wish you the best with your business.”

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