Landlords should be aware of the New Electricity Regulations from 1 July 2020
The new regulations will come into force for any new tenancy from 1 July 2020 including tenancy renewals and tenancies which become statutory periodic after that date and will require re-testing every 5 years
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Some Dunstable & Leighton Buzzard landlords still do not comply with the regulations regarding Smoke alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors in rental properties !
3 years after the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations came into force I am constantly surprised at the number of properties that do not comply, risking the landlords a £5000 fine and the safety of their tenants.
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Warning for Dunstable or Leighton Buzzard landlords with shared accommodation. You may now require a HMO Licence
The new mandatory licensing of HMOs has been extended so that smaller properties (i.e. any storey height) that house five or more people in two or more separate households will also require a licence.
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