Central Bedfordshire Landlords Forum Wednesday 25th June 2014

Central Bedfordshire Landlords Forum is being held on Wednesday 25th June 2014 at Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford, Bedfordshire SG17 5TQ from 6:15pm to 8pm

Faye Edwards-Miller from Climate Energy Solutions will be taking about energy efficiency, government schemes, potential property improvements and access to funding for private landlords. There will also talks from Nick Costain, Head of Service – Housing Solutions about Restructure and the new role of the Private Rented Sector officer and Brett Warren a Council environmental Office about s215 of the Town & Country Planning Act.

There will be an opportunity to ask your own questions and to network following the event.

For further details contact the staff at Belvoir Dunstable on 01582 343209 or email dunstable@belvoirlettings.com

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