On Tuesday 24th June there is the first Property Investors Network (PIN) meeting in Luton!

If you are serious about property investment and are either experienced or thinking of investing in property for the first time this meeting will be full of useful advice and experience from other property investors.

It does not matter how much experience or property you have or don’t have everyone is welcome as long as you are serious about becoming even more successful.

Each month we focus on a specific topic relevant to property investors There are formal 25 and 55 minute educational seminars Our guest speakers are some of the top experts in their respective fields Importantly. we do not allow people to come and sell property to you.

For more information follow this link PIN Luton or contact Daniel at Belvoir Dunstable on 01582 343209 or email daniel.bourke@belvoirlettings.com. If it is your first PIN meeting I might be able to offer you a free invite !


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