2021: Onwards & Upwards

Goodbye, 2020! Farewell. Don’t let the door hit you on the rear end on your way out!

It’s not often that January brings with it a scent of optimism and joy.  The general feeling on almost any other year around about now would be one of disgust. Seven pounds heavier, several hundred pounds poorer, seems to be the general opening state of play.

In many ways, nothing here has really changed. The disadvantages of festive celebrations are, after all, well known and exceedingly practiced. We all suffer the familiar consequences annually and, quite touchingly, refuse to learn the lessons that they so stubbornly preach. But, despite all of this, and despite the current predicaments that we all know and share, there is an undeniable sense of encouragement glittering playfully ahead of us all this time around. A sense that, after long last, and much terrible pain and anguish, things may actually begin to slowly get better. And, with that, – and with, perhaps, a quietly, cautious smile – we may afford ourselves the courage to look forward with genuine confidence and begin to shape a future for ourselves worth believing in and, as we plant one foot steadily in front of the other, worth aspiring to.

If 2020 has taught us anything, other than there are limits to what is worth watching on Netflix, it is that there are some things in this life that are just more important than others. One such thing, along with, and connected to, our family and health, is the place in which we live: the home.

Of course, we would say that, wouldn’t we. Property, after all, is our business. But these places are not just properties. They’re not just houses and flats or bundles of bricks. They’re your living space. They’re your homes. They’re where you feel happy and safe and make your memories.

What has the past year taught you about this place? Has it suddenly become too small for your needs? Would you prefer somewhere closer to family, friends and work? Or, maybe, you’ve learnt that’s it’s time to discover your independence? To move out from beneath your parents wing or part ways with long standing flatmates. Has 2020 shown you that changes need to be made and that now is the time to see those changes though?

Whatever it is that you feel you need to address with regards to your living conditions after the Covid experience, we here at Belvoir Edinburgh intend to discuss it here on our blog. Because, these are not just New Year’s resolutions.  It’s not just joining the local gym or vowing to eat more tomatoes. It’s so much more than that. And we understand that.

So, here’s to 2021. May it be everything you want it to be and everything you need it to be. May you be happy, healthy and prosperous in everything that you do.

From everyone here at Belvoir Edinburgh, best wishes for 2021.

Onwards and upwards.


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