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The Space In Between: What To Do With Your Spare Room

Your spare room can be so much more than that place to keep the things you don't quite know what to do with!

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Seasonal Savings: Keeping Your Home Warm Without Turning Up The Heat

A few practical tips to help you keep your home warm as the temperature starts to drop!

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The Colours Of Magic: Why Autumn Is The Best Season

Autumn isn't far off so let's look forward to what the season has to offer.

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Into Eden: Creating A Welcoming Front Garden

Many have turned to their gardens to help them through recent months and the results are fabulous to see!

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First Impressions: Creating A Welcoming Front Door

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Fort Knox: Home Security On A Budget

We all want to feel safe in our homes so here are a few ideas to make us that little bit safer!

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How to Make Your Home More Relaxing

Relaxing at home is one of life's great luxuries. Here are a few thoughts on how to make your home the ultimate place to relax.

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Top Unused Kitchen Appliances

It seemed such a good idea at the time!

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Toxic Houseplants: What To Avoid

House plants add some colour and beauty to our homes but there are some that we need to watch out for!

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Ways To Help Make Your Home Eco-Friendly On A Budget

We've all got a part to play in reducing our impact on the environment. Here are few tips to help you get started.

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Storage Secrets: Big Tips For Small Homes

Stuff! We all have too much of it but here are some ideas about where to put it!

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Hall Of Fame: How To Make Your Hallway Sing Again.

First impressions count. Make your hallway the best it can be.

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