Come On, Scotland!: Getting Together For Euro 2020

Come on, Scotland!

Okay. So, at time of writing, Scotland have lost their opening game against Czech Republic. As you read this, they may very well be out of the competition altogether (if not, we’re sorry for dropping the negative vibe). But that doesn’t mean we can’t continue to enjoy the festivities and have a bit of a jolly get together whilst we do it.

Of course, there are still rules in place at the moment. You can’t exactly have a full capacity crowd at your home ground right now and you might not yet be totally sold on the idea of watching football in the local bar. So, why not have a few friends over to your place and make it a quiet home fixture?

There might only be a handful of you, but it’s Euros time, which means pulling out the stops and putting in a little bit more of an effort than your previous Champions League Group Stage Quiche Lorraine fiasco.

So, strap on your boots and let’s give mediocrity the red card. Here are 5 ideas to help turn your Euros get together into a party.

Themed Food: You’re certain to score the winning goal at any party if you get the food right and a day at the Euros isn’t going to be any different. What’s on the menu today? A slice of Italian? A plate of German? Or what about some of that Turkish cuisine you’ve always wanted to try? Mirror the match on your plate and give your guests’ taste buds something to cheer about.

The Right Kit: Hopefully you’ll still need to wrap that kilt on a few times more yet, but don’t be afraid to mix it up a bit (we’re sure you won’t). You don’t have to go all out and buy a proper kit or anything, but throw on a French beret when France are on the field! Or get some leeks out when Wales are beating England (cough!). This is supposed to be an occasion! Dress for the part! Dress for success!

Pitch Perfect: If the sun is out and you’re able to do it, get some fun and games going out in the garden! Even if it’s only at half time, a bit of fresh air and vitamin D will ease any frustrations you’ve built up in a game that just isn’t going your way. Have a kick about on the lawn. Picnic before? Barbeque after? Is there any way you can actually watch the game outside? Think about ways you could make it an outdoor event.

Raise The Flag: In fact, put up whatever you can and be proud to support which ever nation you support. Christmas has been gone far too long already, so throw some decorations up and and bring some smiles to those faces you’ve missed so much. Flags, bunting, posters, kits…Whatever you‘ve got, just go for it and turn the place into football heaven. It’ll be a great laugh and we all deserve that right now.

Team Spirit: It might not seem like it sometimes, but it’s important to remember that football, in the end, is just a game. The real team that matters are those that you have around you, no matter where they are from and who they support. Invite the opposition over and enjoy the friendly competition. Embrace the banter. Congratulate the victors. Raise a glass together and be thankful that we can all do this – together.

Football, or sport in general, is not necessarily for everybody. But if you enjoy the company of others and a wee bit of a celebration, then the Euros is a perfect excuse to let your hair down a bit and just have some fun.

Can you boogie?…Yes Sir, I can boogie.

Come On, Scotland!

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