Edinburgh Calendar: Things To Do In 2024

Living in Edinburgh is always a real treat.

It’s beautiful, culturally rich and, yes, the people here are perfectly splendid.

But that’s not all.

If you are fortunate enough to live in this great city, or have the opportunity to visit on regular intervals, you will know that there is always something going on here worth observing and taking part in.

Now, we all know the opportunities available for tourists here: Edinburgh Castle, Palace Of Holyrood House, Mary Kings Close (our favourite)…The list goes on and on.

However, our town is also host to some of the most spectacular events you will ever come across. And this year is no different.

What has Edinburgh got in stall for you this year? Well, an awful lot as it so happens.

So, get your diary out and pay close attention: here are 5 events taking place in Edinburgh in 2024 that will blow your socks off.

Six Nations: What better way to kick off the new year than by watching thirty men running around with an egg shaped ball and knocking the living daylights out of each another. Well we love it anyway. The Six Nations is back again this coming February and we just can’t wait. The city will be buzzing, the bars will be packed and we can once again believe that maybe – just maybe – Scotland can lift that elusive, precious trophy. It might not be for everyone, but there’s no denying that the atmosphere around Edinburgh really takes off when this annual competition arrives. Come on Scotland!

Edinburgh Marathon: If the rugby has gotten you in the mood for a bit of exercise, then the Edinburgh Marathon might just be for you. Taking place on Sunday 26h May this year, you’ve got plenty of time to get in that early morning training routine and be in ship-shape for the run of your life. Of course, a run might not be for you at all. But you can still go on down and cheer on those who have decided to give it a go. Either way, it can be a fun day out for all the family.

Taylor Swift: Whether you are a fan or not, it’s always going to be a big deal when Taylor Swift comes to town. There will, of course, be lots of other gigs throughout the year to look forward to (Australian Pink Floyd anyone?), but on 8th June, it’s pretty safe to say, that Murrayfield Stadium is going to be bouncing. Even if you’ve not been able to get yourself tickets, if you live fairly close by you’ll be able to hear quite a good show simply by opening up your window. So get your dancing shoes on! The Swift is coming!

Edinburgh Festival: It is Edinburgh’s most famous and busy period, so it’s not surprising that this world renowned cultural extravaganza should make it onto our list. August might seem a long way away right now, but it will be here before you know it and it will strike like a hurricane. With so much to see, do and enjoy, the Edinburgh Festival is the true jewel in the crown of our great capital. We’re already saving for our tickets. We’ll see you there!

Hogmanay: Yes, it was only five minutes ago that we were all popping the champagne and bursting our lungs out to Auld Lang Syne, but Hogmanay is a massive deal here in Edinburgh and it would simply be all kinds of wrong not to mention it. Is it too early to start planning for 31st December? Well, probably. But that doesn’t mean you can’t. It is the party of all parties and nobody does it better than us lot right here in Edinburgh. Put it in your calendar. It’s going to be outrageous.

There’s always a lot to look forward to if you’re living in Edinburgh. It is, as we have said so many times before, the greatest city on earth. And we can’t wait to enjoy all that it has to offer over the coming months.

Did we miss anything out? What events in Auld Reekie are you looking forward to in 2024? Be sure to let us know.

From everyone here at Belvoir Edinburgh, we hope you are all hay, healthy and well.

Bring on 2024.

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