Trick Or Treat?: Ideas For Halloween 2020

Just when you thought this year couldn’t get any scarier, the end of October comes around.

We’ve all been gushing over how beautiful autumn is over the past few weeks. And rightly so! It’s dreamy, it’s delightful and it’s all kinds of scrumptious. But, let’s be honest. October is only ever really about one thing and one thing only: Halloween.

That’s right, my fiendish friends. The time has come to step back into the shadows and confront once more the monsters that lurk in the darkest corners of your depraved imagination.

So, get your hockey mask on and arm yourself with a generous dollop of holy water, because things are about to get super weird. It’s time. It’s here. And it’s coming to get you.

Scared that Coronavirus has thrown goo all over proceedings? Well, get out from under the bed and let us tell you a story. It’s called ‘Ideas For Halloween 2020”.  But remember, it’s only a story. It’s not real. We hope you don’t have nightmares…but we can’t promise anything…Mwahahahaha!!!

Virtual Insanity: By now, many of us will have become seasoned professionals at communicating via Zoom and the like, so this one is an absolute no brainer. We obviously cannot be with those we love physically, but nothing can stop you having a good old horror of a time in the virtual world. Get your Halloween costume on and tell each other terrifying tales over candle light. Or what about a live investigation into the supposed demonic spirit that haunts the bottom of your garden?  What’s wrong? Are you frightened?

Devilish Decorations: Since you’re more than likely going to be spending Hallows’ Eve at home this year, you might as well go all out and decorate the hell out of the place. Dot your Halloween pumpkins in every room, fake cobwebs across the ceiling, ghostly bunting dangling from the lampshade…Well, you know what scares you most. Have fun with it and make the night a freakishly joyous occasion. Goodness knows, if there was a year to go completely over the t op then this is it.

Gory Games: If you have children, then this is a great way to keep them entertained. You’ve got the decorations all sorted, so let’s get this party started! We all know the games we used to play at this time of year when we were kids, so introduce them to your little ones and make it a great family affair. And if you don’t have children? Well, that’s when things can start to get really terrifying. A game of dare in the gloom on Halloween is enough to put everyone on edge…Who wants to pop their head into the attic?

Monster Movies: If games aren’t really your thing, then you can’t lose with a marathon of Halloween movies. There’s so much out there to choose from and streamers will be jam packed with frightful films right now. Poltergeist? Frankenstein?  Sex In The City 2? Whatever it is that gives you the heebie-jeebies, tonight is the night to scare yourself witless. So, turn down the lights. Turn up the sound. And prepare yourself for an evening of utter movie madness.

Ghoulish Ghosting: Trick or treating doesn’t really seem to be on the cards this year for obvious reasons, but what about doing the reverse?  ‘Ghosting’ has become more and more popular over recent years and it’s something people of all ages can get involved in. Simply create a bag of goodies, drop them off at the doorstep of a neighbour or friend and leave a message inside requiring them to pass it on (as in, repeat the act). It’s fun, it’s kind hearted and it can be done safely. Go on. Spread some terror.

Life right now is perhaps not all that it could be, but that doesn’t mean that we have to stop having fun. Halloween is a perfect opportunity to just go a bit off the wall and forget about your troubles for one night.

Whatever you decide to do, we at Belvoir Edinburgh hope you all have a fang-tastic Halloween.

Be afraid…Be very afraid….Mwahahahaha!!!


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