Love In The Time Of Corona

These are strange times.

Sitting here writing this, it is difficult for the mind not to wander. How could it possibly not? As each new day launches its gruesome assault on our way of life, finding the will to do anything but ponder what may or may not come to be is a heavy task to rise for. There are some things in life that matter, quite glaringly, more than others. At this point in time, writing a blog could easily find itself, along with so many other things, firmly in the cold and cramped camp of ‘others’.

Writing this blog, however, is an exceedingly pleasurable occupation and a worthwhile exercise of the mind. One hopes, of course, that some sort reward is scored by you, the fair and sophisticated reader, in glancing over these weekly letters. It would be a sorry failure if that were not the case. But, if nothing else, the pursuit of keeping the head sharp and the heart hopeful seems to be a worthy one. And so, to continue is not a question to dwell on but a heart rendering statement of intent.

The initial plan behind this particular entry was to cast focus on the upcoming Mother’s Day celebrations, which lands this Sunday. Happily, this remains the case, though changes in approach have had to be adopted to reflect the on-going metamorphosis of the situation, as seems to be the theme of our current predicament.

With social isolation being the key message beating through our news outlets currently, the opportunity to treat our mums to a nice, slap up meal or even a comforting hug seems to be a distressing distance away. The best gift sons and daughters could possibly give any parent at the moment, particularly ones of a more mature age group, would be to, sadly, stay away.

But all is not lost.

We may not be able to link arms with our mother dears on Sunday, but there are still things that can be done to make their day special. Here are just a few simple things you can do to bring a smile to that oh so familiar face and fill their loving heart with glee:

Video Dinner: There are all kinds of video calling tech these days, which means you can have a natter face to face over a cup of tea and present zero risk. From a fancy pad to a smart phone, it doesn’t have to be an expensive venture or complicated. Why not go further and have a lunch together? You could even order in the same food – your treat, of course.

Phone: We can sometimes forget what phones were originally for, but making use of its traditional function is a must in such circumstances. Not everybody has access to video technology or may not be confident enough to give it a go, and so a simple phone call is a must. Hearing the voice of someone you love is a spirit lifting experience never to be underestimated. Make it a habit.

Plan Ahead: It may all seem rather dreary right now, but it must be remembered: this is not going to last forever. Making plans for the future is not a wholly foolhardy thing and may be good for encouraging positive mental health. Perhaps booking a holiday might be a trifle rash at this stage, but why not purchase a voucher at your local restaurant? You might not be able to take your mum out just this minute, but giving her and yourself something to look forward to will do you both the world of good. And you’ll be helping out a local business too. Lord knows they need it now.

We at Belvoir Edinburgh hope that you are all safe and well. Keep in touch with those whom you care about and be kind to those whom you don’t know. These are uncertain times, but an opportunity to reveal the best of ourselves.

We hope all the Mums out there have a wonderful Mother’s Day, whatever peculiar or creative form it may take. Nobody deserves the respect, love and celebration more than you.

From everyone here,

Happy Mother’s Day.

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