Post-Christmas: What To Add When The Decorations Come Down

So, the Christmas decorations have finally come down. 

We know. It’s a sad occasion. Some of you may be bucking traditions and sticking with the tree and tinsel for a little bit longer. Until February? Easter even?…Who are we to judge. Whatever makes you happy.

But, for those of us who have packed the boxes and bags and stuffed them wherever we can find room, the home can quite quickly feel a little empty. There’s not so much sparkle about. Not so much magic.

Well, don’t be sad, dear reader. For this change is merely an opportunity to introduce something new. To start fresh and make January just as fun as merry December.


Settle down, you eager beaver. We’ve got this covered.

Here are 5 ways that you can make your home happy this January now that the Christmas decorations are gone for another year.

Flowers: It’s not springtime quite yet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t bring a bit of that colour and brightness into your home right now. Take a look in your local flower shop, or even a supermarket, and you’re bound to find something that’ll fire your place into life. They smell lovely, look beautiful and can help lift the mood in these dark and dreary times. A great addition to the home around about now.

Candlelight: January is still a dark month, so getting the lighting right can help your mood and make your place look amazing. Candlelight might be something that you only consider on the build up to Christmas, but it would be a huge mistake to simply discard them for another year. They can really set a lovely, romantic mood and, well, when is that ever a bad thing. Of course, you need to be careful with a naked flame, so never leave them alone in a room. For extra safety and peace of mind, why not try battery operated candles. They do exactly the same job and you’ll have no need to worry. Perfect.

Fresh Fragrance: If real candles are your thing and you’re a pretty safety conscious sort of person, why not make an upgrade and get yourself some sort of scented candles? These days you can get all sorts of smells, so whatever it is that you happen to like, you can be sure you can find it somewhere, especially on the internet. But if you don’t want to go down the candle route, then think about fragrance oils or an attractive bowl of potpourri? Whatever you decide to do, making your home smell nice is a real game changer and a must this January.

Soft Furnishings: In all likelihood, you’ve had throws and cushions dotted about the place, at least since October. And we don’t blame you. As things get darker and more chilly, we all want to get snuggled up and enjoy the warmth and comfort of a well prepared winter home. With January now upon us, the weather is still likely to get worse before it gets better. So think about adding to your soft furnishings and making your home the place to be this winter. Spring is coming…But it’s not here yet.

Seasonal Decorations: Just because you’ve taken the tinsel and the baubles down, doesn’t mean that all decorations have to be off the table. The winter season is still here, so some of those Christmas favourites still might be able to stay out. Snowflakes? Well, there’s still a chance of the white stuff in January, so keep it hanging wherever you please! You know what we’re getting at. You don’t have to pack away all of the joy up in the attic just yet. Have a think. Look around. Consider what you can get away with.

The festive season has come and gone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep some joy about the place.

How do you add a bit of flavour to your home in January? Do you have some top tips? Be sure to let us know.

From everyone here at Belvoir Edinburgh, we hope you are all happy, healthy and well.

Take care. And happy housekeeping.

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