Renting Tips: Disadvantages of An Unfurnished Property

Last week, we looked at some reasons why renting an unfurnished property could be a good idea.

Opportunity to personalise, deposit returns…Well, we’re not going to hash over old ground here. If you fancy finding out what we thought on the subject, just pop over to last week’s blog entry and take a look! We think you’ll find it quite informative.

But what about the disadvantages of going unfurnished?

We know that the word “unfurnished” might instinctively put you off as it suggests that you won’t be getting something extra built into the price.

However, there’s more to it than that.

So, let’s take a step back for a moment and take a look at some of the disadvantages of renting an unfurnished property. You might think you know all there is to know on this topic, but we think one or two points below might surprise you. 

Let’s take a look!

Expensive To Furnish: If you’re looking to start from scratch and are attracted to the idea of building a home from a blank canvass, it should be remembered that it can cost you an awful lot of money. Beds, sofas, rugs…Do you have that sort of cash? Would you be willing to live without that kitchen table for a while whilst you build up your savings again? You understand, no doubt, what we’re getting on about. Moulding your space can be extremely fulfilling but be prepared for a lot of work and expense.

Appliance Ready?: It’s not just the furniture you should be thinking about when moving into a new place. Whilst most unfurnished rentals will come with the necessary white goods (Fridge, freezer, washing machine, oven, etc), most other electrical necessities will have to be things that you purchase yourself, adding to the cost. So, if you need a cup of tea and a sit down in front of the telly after shifting all those boxes over to your new pad, you best be sure you’ve made all of your purchases beforehand. Who can handle not having a brew after a big move? We certainly can’t.

A Tough Move: You might be lucky enough to already have your own things and are very much looking forward to moving into a property that you can make your own. In which case, well done! Good choice! However, it doesn’t mean that it’s all going to be plain sailing. Because, as you’ve no doubt realised, the more stuff you have, the more stuff you are going to have to transport. Packing and loading and carrying is going to be a whole heap harder with all of that stuff you’ve accumulated over the years…Good job you’re in there for the long haul!…Right?

Rethink Short Term: When you’re young and full of beans, it isn’t entirely uncommon to jump from place to place as you figure out who you are and what you want in life. In which case, an unfurnished property is probably not for you. As noted above, it can be expensive to do if you don’t have all the kit, you need and, if or when you do, it is a whole lot of work to get going again. If you’re not looking for long term, perhaps look, at least, at a part-furnished property as an option. You’ll thank yourselves you did, believe us.

An unfurnished property, as we’ve hopefully shown over the past two weeks, has both its advantages and disadvantages. Choosing which is best for you is, as with so much in life, largely down to your own personal circumstances.

Whichever you decide, we at Belvoir Edinburgh hope we have been of some help in guiding you to your new home.

From everyone here, have a fabulously happy weekend.

Happy moving!

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