Storage Secrets: Big Tips For Small Homes

Over time, we all manage to assemble an inexplicable amount of stuff.

Now, this stuff, as we all well know, comes in many different forms: Big stuff, small stuff, useful stuff, not so useful stuff, stuff we forgot we had, stuff we wish we’d forgotten we had, stuff that…well…you’re pretty sure is not yours.

We all have stuff.

The main problem with stuff, of course, is that many of us often find it terribly difficult to throw any of it away. This might very well sound exceptionally daft and peculiar to the lucky few who can dispose of anything at the drop of a hat, but for many it is almost inconceivable to let go of anything more substantial than a solitary tattered sock without committing to a comprehensive risk assessment and several weeks of cognitive therapy. “Throw out my wind-up, one armed Mickey Mouse clock that only works when rubbing a rabbit’s foot on top of a haunted Ash tree, exclusively on a leap year, on the second Wednesday, at an unspecific time between breakfast and brunch?…But, what if I need it?!

Indeed. What if you do?

There is nothing wrong with clinging onto things. It’s a perfectly natural and normal thing to do. The question is, particularly if you happen to live in a relatively small home, where on earth are you supposed to keep it all?

It can be a challenge, no doubt. And the thought may cross your mind to finally, after 20 years of doubt, to finally bite the bullet and begin to lighten the load.

But, before you do, here are 5 tips on how to make the absolute most of the little space you have. Don’t fret just quite yet. We may have the answer.

Storage Furniture: If it’s time to replace your sofa or bed, you would be doing yourself a massive favour by acquiring something that you can both rest on and use to store some of your less used items. Storage furniture can contain vast amounts of space and doesn’t interfere with your comfort when your kicking back in-front of the telly or taking a snooze. Why wouldn’t you get one?

Under Bed Boxes: If getting a storage bed isn’t really on the cards right now, why not invest in some under bed boxes to help organise some of your clutter? Yes, we can all throw things under the bed in frenzy when the parents unexpectedly drop around, but the space would surely be far better occupied with a little bit of thoughtful packing. It’s not a terribly expensive thing to purchase and is incredibly practical where room is of short supply.

Up In The Attic: Ghosts, fake Christmas trees…there may be all kinds of things hiding up there. But the attic is a great place to put things that you may only pull out once a year. Keep it organised in boxes and be mindful of any potential leaks or other hazards, but if you get it right this could be the solution to many of y our storage problems.

Wall Space: It’s not just paintings and photographs that you can hang up from your walls. Free up some cupboard space by hanging your great pots and pans up for everyone to see or add some extra shelving. Bike cluttering up your hallway? Hang it up on your wall! It will look great and it will create some extra space for you to work with. There are all kinds of things you could do here if you put your mind to it. So, put your thinking cap on! What could you do?

Nooks & Crannies: If you look hard enough and use some of that creative wisdom that you’ve assembled over the years, you may find that you may actually have more space around the place than initially assumed. That box half full of quirky ornaments could perhaps be distributed on windowsills, on top of cabinets or wardrobes, in the bathroom…Take some time and have a look around. Your situation is probably not as dire as you think it is.

When it comes to clutter, there is almost always a simple solution, even in the smallest of homes. You don’t have to throw things out if you don’t want to or, at least, you don’t have to start thinking about it quite yet. Consider your options around the home and perhaps invest in some practical solutions that are both useful and attractive.

We hope these pointers have been of some use. Have you come up with some others of your own? Let us know!

Until next time, from everyone here at Belvoir Edinburgh, we hope you are all well and happy.

Take care. And happy housekeeping.

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