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Can Enfield landlords protect their properties with inventories?

If your property is unfurnished do you still need an inventory? Absolutely!

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Renting in Enfield - Lifestyle or Necessity

Whether for lifestyle or necessity tenants are renting for longer and it Is vital that landlords either stay fully up to speed with changing regulations or find themselves a good local agent.

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Letting Agents save landlords an average £1,910 per year

Rather than costing landlords money this article by LettingAgentToday demonstrates that agents save landlords an average £1,910 per year.

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What does the ban on tenant fees mean for Enfield landlords and tenants?

Will the ban on tenant fees be bad news or good for Enfield landlords, tenants and agents?

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Is now the time to invest in Enfield?

It a strange time for the property market with lots of post-referendum hesitancy both from landlo...

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Highlands School Quiz Night

Why not put your general knowledge to the test? Belvoir Enfield are pleased to sponsor this Quiz Night event for Highlands School.

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Well maintained and well presented?

If good properties attract good tenants, what can you expect to attract if you have a pest problem?

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Who has keys to your home?

Being burgled is a horrible experience but here is a very basic tip to help protect you - change your locks when you move in to your new home!!

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Enfield landlords - be wary of desperate tenants

If a prospective tenant or landlord seems desperate to sign and exchange money then always ask 'Why?' Listen to your instincts and don't hand over your money or property to anyone you're not sure of.

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Can Enfield tenants withold their rent?

If your repairs aren't being seen to in a timely manner, can you do them yourself and deduct the costs from your rent?

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Is Enfield an Eviction Hotspot?

A few practical suggestions from Belvoir Enfield to help landlords and tenants avoid eviction if possible.

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Can you spot a fake?

Getting the right tenant is fundamental to a successful tenancy. If someone handed you fake documents would you be able to spot them?

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