PRS Licensing - Council Re-approve licensing decision

Last time I updated this blog about the Landlord Licensing scheme in Enfield, the Council had successfully had the planned Judicial Review of the scheme rejected.

That was back in August and a lot has happened since then! However the key point is that a judicial review has been granted for the Additional Licensing section of the scheme, associated with smaller Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO’s).

That was decided at the Royal Courts of Justice in October, where it was concluded that the Council’s decision regarding Selective Licensing for single household residences, had been taken lawfully, while the decision for Additional Licensing was ‘arguably unlawful’.

Last night I attended a Council Cabinet Meeting where the Council successfully re-approved their decision regarding Additional Licensing.

The outcome was never really in doubt (IMO) however it was interesting to hear from the Landlord leading the opposition to the scheme – Constantinos Regas, who was given 10 minutes to present his case.

It was also very encouraging to see a good number of Landlords and Lettings Agents attending the meeting, despite the same-day notification.

So what happens now? Well the Judicial Review for Additional Licensing is scheduled for the end of November and there is still the option to appeal for a review of Selective Licensing.

More information will be published on this blog as it becomes available.

In the meantime though, to contact Constantinos and his team or to make a contribution to the fighting fund please visit

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