PRS Licensing - Judicial Review of The Full Scheme - Novermber 2014

 Well, a day is a long time in the world of Lettings!

Firstly, 10am this morning I was one of 8 landlords and agents in a workshop with Enfield Council, reviewing and making amendments to the revised selective licensing conditions. (Selective licensing covers single household, privately rented properties)

The version of the conditions we were reviewing was a vast improvement on the original draft conditions that went to consultation.

Several of the key areas of concern raised by landlords and agents have been addressed and either removed or clarified, for example:

– The need to buy a new licence if you change managing agent (you don’t)

Tenants not being able to park commercial vehicles on their driveways (they can but with reasonable restrictions)

– A hard copy of the license having to be displayed in the property (only applies to HMO’s) 

While I’m still not a fan of the scheme, the changes that are being made will definitely make it more workable. That is of course IF the scheme is implemented…….

Secondly, there are changes to the extent of the Judicial Review. Previously the landlord leading the fight against the scheme (Constantinos Regas) had successfully appealed for a Judicial Review of the Additional Licensing element of the scheme, the element dealing with shared accommodation or HMO’s. However, now the Court of Appeal has agreed that Selective Licensing can be included in the review.

The review of both elements of the scheme will be held at the Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand, London on Wednesday 26 November.

For more information please click here.

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