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Enfield’s 1930’s Art Deco home up for auction

A little art deco gem of a house in Enfield up for auction on Wednesday 26th at a guide price of £350,000.

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A Useful Guide for the Enfield Landlord

If you're a landlord you will already know about the 'How to Rent Guide', but have you read the 'How to Let Guide'? You just might find it useful.

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Landlord Advice - Need to redecorate?

VIDEO - When decorating a rental property it's very tempting to stick to tried and tested magnolia but look around your own home, how much magnolia do you see?

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Tenant Advice - Check your notice period

Video - It sounds obvious but it's surprising how many people forget to check the notice period they're committed to before signing their new contract. A potentially expensive mistake!

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Is this Enfied flat a flip or a flop?

We all dream of a property flip and dread a flop. This little Enfield flat has seen them both, is it time for another?

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Who should pay the Council Tax on an Enfield Rental Property?

You've rented out your Enfield property and you assume that your tenants will be paying the Council tax but are you sure?

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Would you like to pay a deposit or keep your money?

Moving to a new rental property is expensive when you add up the advance rent, deposit, agency fees, removal costs etc, etc. Here's an option for drastically reducing those upfront costs. Would it work for you?

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Do I need to renew my tenancy agreement every year?

Many landlords formally renew their tenancy agreements every year but have you ever wondered why and whether you actually should?

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Are HMOS the way forward for Enfield Landlords? Part 2

The rules regarding HMO's are changing and now is the time to check whether your shared house will require a mandatory HMO License.

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A home in Enfield for under £100,000??

Two bedroom flat available in Enfield for under £100,000? There's got to be a catch right?

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Are HMOS the way forward for Enfield Landlords?

Seen by many as a sure fire way to make money from property, setting up and managing an HMO can be hard work. And what lurks around the corner.......

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The camera never lies............ but exactly when did you take that picture?

It makes sense to use the best photos possible to advertise your property but how far can you stretch things and is it worth it?

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