Articles & Property News in Enfield

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For a successful let do you go sole or multi-agency?

Quality is almost always better than quantity when it comes to instructing agents. Take your time to select the right agent for you and then give them time to find you the right tenant.

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PRS Licensing - Judicial Review of The Full Scheme - Novermber 2014

The Enfield PRS Licensing Conditions have improved but depending on the outcome of the Judicial Review we may not need them!

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PRS Licensing - Council Re-approve licensing decision

Latest developments regarding the introduction of Private Rental Sector Licensing in Enfield.

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What price peace of mind?

Your home and any investment properties are likely to be the most valuable assets you own. Would you risk those investments for a 1 or 2% fee, or is your peace of mind worth a little more?

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More reasons to be happy you've invested in Enfield

With great capital growth predictions and good yield, it makes sense to invest in property and to invest in the borough of Enfield!

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Thinking of selling? Think of letting!

It can be very tempting to sell up and run while prices are so high but If you don't have to sell you may be better off holding on to your investment.

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Adding value to your property

There are several ways to add value to a property. Here's an example of a landlord looking past the cosmetic and creating a great family home.

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Buy to let opportunity - Southbury Road, EN3

This buy to let opportunity has a few options for development but will the location on a busy crossroads on Southbury Road put people off?

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Want to make £4,250 pa tax free?

The number of live-in landlords is increasing and with the possibility of earning up to £4,250pa tax-free it's easy to understand why. But it's not just free money, could you really share your home with someone else?

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Buy to let opportunity - Parr Close, Edmonton

A great little investment opportunity in Parr Close, Edmonton N9.

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What to do if NASA texts you in the middle of the night?

This two bedroom flat could be the perfect investment if you find a star gazing tenant.....

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Buy to let opportunity - Chase Green Avenue

A potentially sound investment opportunity in a very desirable area in Enfield - Chase Green Avenue. With decent yield and good capital growth this two bedroom flat could be worth a closer look.

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