A brilliant indicator, which is commonly overlooked, of an area’s property market is the amount of times properties change hands.
There are 19,061 properties in Grantham and 4,849 have changed hands in the last 7 years. Our neighbours in Melton Mowbray may only have 11,543 properties, but of these 2,921 households moved during the last 7 years. This works out as 25.3% of the town’s property market changing hands, which is almost identical to our 25.4%.
When we looked at our other neighbouring towns, Newark has seen 5,473 of 19,315 households change hands. This is a tenth more moves than Grantham!
This shows you must cover every detail from the property to the area’s market before making a decision to buy, be it for yourself or as a buy to let investment.
If you would like to talk to us about buy to let, please feel free to visit our office on St Peters Hill.